So far, I have placed just two individualized FitFree bracket systems. I noticed several of their key features.
First, this system is very convenient when the brackets arrive in sectioned transfer trays. It allows to bond several brackets at a time without any extra effort.
The bonding time has gone down in half because I didn’t have to spend time positioning brackets. The only thing you have to do is to press them tight to the teeth.
It’s comfortable for the patients because a minimal number of items are present in the mouth during the procedure.
Second, I liked that every bracket had its own form and thickness and for this reason levelling was much faster compared to conventional brackets. Teeth move without any problems the slot delivers all its values.
And, of course, small things should also be mentioned – brackets come in black boxes, and wires in a box with a ribbon - perfect☝😂.
This individualized bracket system allows to select torque and angulation and the bracket size exclusively for each patient.
Thanks to CAD/CAM technologies it is possible to perform 3D modeling of treatment and to assess the position of tooth roots and, if necessary, to change the values of the brackets.
Indirect bonding allows to avoid mistakes in positioning which in itself reduces treatment time. But as any other system,
it doesn’t work by itself!
Quality diagnosis, knowledge and the clinician’s experience together with new technologies are key to a healthy and beautiful smile of your patient and the system is several times faster
than with the traditional technique!
Planning is the main advantage for me. After the patient’s diagnosis, a plan of tooth movement is developed and sent to the lab. Then follow visualization, discussion with the patient and his or her approval.
The individual characteristics of any bracket which are based on the preplanned result (torque, angulation, in/out) allow to carry out quick leveling, reduce the individualization stage and finish treatment earlier.
Individualized treatment is the next step in the development of orthodontic treatment.
Several months ago, I received an offer from the Pumpa company to try new individualized brackets of their own design and I agreed with pleasure.
After conducting all the necessary diagnostic procedures, the appliance was delivered to me 10-12 days later in a very beautifully arranged stylish black box. The transfer trays for indirect bonding fitted the teeth perfectly (it is very convenient that the transfer trays are sectioned and it makes bonding easier).
Brackets fit very snugly to the tooth surface, especially on the first molars, allowing to use a minimal layer of the adhesive. The bracket wings have an optimal size for secure placing of both elastic and metal ligatures and, if necessary, it’s very easy to attach a chain.
Currently, the patient is at the stage of rectangular elastic wires (.017x.025) in both jaws and the brackets deliver all their values very well.
When choosing appliances for a patient, I always prefer an individual approach depending on the clinical situation but unfortunately nowadays we all work with mass produced brackets with preadjusted orthodontic values.
The appearance of the individualized FitFree bracket system gave me the opportunity to achieve ideal esthetic and functional treatment results in a shorter time.
The patient sees a model of her or his smile at the treatment planning stage, the brackets are made with individual torque and tip with the help of CAD/CAM technologies.
The bonding procedure is carried out with transfer trays which ensure accurate bracket positioning on the teeth and reduce its duration.
In case a bracket debonds, it is always possible to order its duplicate. And there is one more advantage in working with this appliance - you don’t have to spend extra time during detailing as the brackets have individual characteristics
so that in the end the teeth would assume their predetermined position.
Orders are fulfilled in the agreed time, the lab is always there for you, lab employees are quick to answer your questions.
Brackets and wires come in impressive packaging, it’s a pleasure to show it to the patient. The transfer trays are made of plastic material and are seated nicely on the teeth. Brackets are small and well-polished.
My patient came for a second round of treatment and in her opinion the new brackets are more comfortable than the previous ones (the brand of the previous brackets is not known).
I was surprised by the speed with which these brackets work and the ease of using the indirect bonding transfer trays.
After the aligning was over, a superimposition of the obtained scans and the initial setup was performed. The match was nearly complete. It’s very pleasant when your expectations and the reality coincide)